Friday, February 18, 2011

Puzzle Cube Design Project

Creation, innovation, attraction. Three of the many factors that come into the mind of a designer when constructing an obsolete and found invention. For this assignment, students were given the ability to find ways of finding ways. Students brainstormed many combination types of smaller cubes to construct a much bigger design. Reaching a limit of 5 different combinations, students thus further took their combinations of choice to build their 3'x3'x3' cube model. Sooner or later, students built their prototype together with sketching its model on the Inventor Program as well as its parts descriptions. But the fun wasn't over yet, as students used their captivating minds to design an interesting cube package for their cube models as any designer would when wanting to commerce its its true found invention in the market!

Friday, February 4, 2011

History of Measurement

Measurement is an invention that has surrounded  people ever since the times of the Bible. Everything we use, eat, and watch, had to be thought of first before it could be created. The use of measurement does not withdraw from this perception at all! From developing societies needing fixed values for sizes, standardizing barter terms to fulfill use and need, nations became in much need of something standard that all could compel with and use in order to generate perplexed creations that all could comprehend. This project was conducted to further test the knowledge and acquire on how the way of measurement came to be. Students based their research on the History of Measurements and inducted general ideas about its history. Students used powerpoint presentations to present their work and  were required to design either a book jacket or a CD cover as part of their work/research and understanding of the project.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Isometric Sketching

Creation comes in everything. We would not have the technological advances and acquirements we have today if humans were not given the gift of "creation". In the life of an engineer, he/she is all about creation. Many use computers or different assets to promote their creation before becoming a final product. Although, in its absence, every prototype/product has to pass evaluation on the drawing board after an idea is proposed, and just before it can be transfered to a refine computer program. By using grid sketching paper, students were found to scale a drawing and sketch it to the applied dimensions (yellow). Students also used sketching to portray various pictures on the grid to further expand their knowledge on the sketching and constraints of an object using simulated, Inventor(computer program) isometric images. It was an important task to also use tonal shading of the objects giving a sense of the object's angle/position or at which direction could sunlight be approaching from (white).